Font Help
For the best display of various fonts on the RFA Web site, we recommend using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7 or higher on a computer with a current Microsoft operating system (Windows 2000 or higher).
- The Burmese font used on our Web site displays best if you use the Internet Explorer browser, but we also recommend that you download the font for a better viewing experience.
- If you're using another browser, such as Firefox or Netscape you must download the Burmese Unicode font to see the text.
- Displays well in most commonly used operating systems and Web browsers (those using Windows 98 and Windows Me may need to download a Chinese font or Chinese software).
- Use Unicode based “Khmer OS” font.
- Content before April, 2008 dynamically loads the “Kaoh Kong” font to allow proper display of text on Windows systems with IE browser.
- Text may not display properly on Macintosh systems or with many non-IE browsers if you do not have the font installed.
- To ensure the most reliable Khmer text display, go to to download and install the Khmer font from the Cambodian Information Center.
Visit Khmer font help page for more info.
- Displays well in most commonly used operating systems and Web browsers (Some may require a Korean font download)
- Dynamically loads the “Saysettha OT” font to allow proper display of content on Windows systems with IE browsers.
- Text may not display properly on Macintosh systems or with many non-IE browsers if you do not have the font installed.
- To ensure the most reliable Lao text display download and install “Saysettha OT.”
- Displays well in most commonly used operating systems and Web browsers (Windows 98 and Windows Me may require downloading a Chinese font or Chinese software).
- Uses Unicode based “Tib-US Unicode” font.
- Content before April, 2008 dynamically loads the “TCRC youtsoWeb” font to allow proper display of content on Windows systems with IE (version 7 recommended) browsers.
- Text may not display properly on Macintosh systems or with many non-IE browsers and IE version 6 or lower.
- For the most reliable Tibetan font display, download and install the Tib-US Unicode font
- Dynamically loads a “Uyghuredit Lotus” font to allow proper display of content on Windows systems with IE browsers.
- Text may not display properly on Macintosh systems or with many non-IE browsers if you do not have the font installed.
- Displays well in most commonly used browsers and operating systems, including Mac, and Web browsers that support Unicode fonts.